‘Drop In’ Improv Workshops

Two-hour, stand-alone, fun, energetic sessions
Consolidating the techniques of Improvisation and offering insights into the techniques of confidence and spontaneity.
Great transferable skills for work, life and social interaction.
Never forgetting that it’s fun!
Making and accepting offers, 'yes and' - building ideas and collaboration.
Re-awaken imagination, creativity, sense of play and laughter.
£25 (No hidden fees)
Includes entry to Can We Have a Word? Improv Comedy Show which follows the workshop. (normally £10)
Workshops are led by Jake Lyons, the founder of The London Improv Theatre and director of Can We Have a Word?
Restricted to 12 participants and require booking online in advance.​​
The Libra Cafe Theatre
37 Chalk Farm Rd
Camden Town
8 mins Camden Town or Chalk Farm tubes.
If you have any questions or would like to check suitability please email contact@londonimprovtheatre.com